Two If By Tea
"Sweet Tea Dreams"
"Sweet Tea Dreams"
The animation is complete (though still tweaking the director's cut).. Exhausting but thoroughly fun. See how many Looney Tune "tributes" you can find in the scenes. I count at least three. Heres a clue for one of them:
"Wacky" type dream scenes are great - no rules. Scrapped the former "inking in the computer" method and opted to exercise my trusty Flair (napkin pen) then scan and color in Photoshop / animate in Flash. The file size seemed to push the limit at 145mb. Learned the hard way that AVI files are friendlier to a PC than Quicktime (duh). For sound, my iPod Touch and pill mic was superior to my humming laptop and Audacity.
Plenty to recycle for hopefull later use. Here are some for the 2012 election season:
Conceiving the action in my mind, I basically skipped the storyboard stage and went straight to the preliminary animatic, seen here:
Many thanks to Jeff Flanders (George Washington voice) Boz Martin, my Mom (Michelle, O) and Dad (for letting me use his faster Dell when my HP slowed down production.
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